
Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Whole School to Ourselves

The middle school and high school students were gone yesterday, so the elementary students were able to take over the "centrium" in the high school building. Ms. Pat and some of the middle school students had used tarps to build a dark tunnel, lit by a black light, and filled with glowing stars and planets, for the children to play in.


My camera didn't work well in the black light, but you can sort of get the idea.

They also reviewed some of the science topics that had been covered during their space unit, using Ms. Pat's very large collection of posters.



They also watched the movie, Alien Planet, which can be seen in full here:

On Friday's, we usually order pizza, but with so few people on campus, we decided to have a potluck lunch instead.


It was a very impressive selection of food and I would like to thank all the parents who contributed.


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