
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What are Thematics?


The elementary students at Trilogy school have a class called "thematics", but since this is not a class name at most schools, I figured this might require a little explanation. Thematics is a mixture of history and science. It is called "thematics" because the lessons follow a certain theme. There are three main themes that are used, World History, American, History, and Biomes. Each of these subjects is followed for an entire year.

Within each main theme, there are many sub-themes. For instance, this past year was our World History year. That was divided into studies of dinosaurs (for the first and second graders), creation myths,archaeology, early man, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Greece, and Medieval times. A study of the human body was paired with the study of mummies from Ancient Egypt.

Thematics can include reading, worksheets, and movies, but there are also many hands-on projects. Here are some of those projects from this past year:

Putting together a timeline

Learning how archaeologist's put together broken pots


Painting plaster models of the heads and tools of early humans

Model Pre-Historic Shelters


3D pop-up cards for both Mesopotamia and Egypt

The human body floor puzzle

Our director takes great pride in decorating the classrooms to go along with the thematics units we are going to be doing. Right now, she is preparing for a year of American History.


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