This year in thematics, we studied American History. Next year, the focus will be on biomes. This will include the plants, animals, and climate from various regions around the world. The children will learn about deserts, oceans, rain forests, the arctic, and more. Already, plans are being made for many exciting field trips.
We have also been brainstorming classroom decorating ideas, since the class decor always reflects what we are studying.
Here is a picture of the igloo in the younger elementary classroom, six years ago, to give you an idea of the types of transformations our classrooms undergo.
"Show everyone how happy you are that it's the last day of school!"
Yesterday was the last day of school. It was only a half day, so that everyone could go home, eat, and change clothes before returning for the celebration in the evening. There was still time for everyone to practice their songs one last time and play with their friends one last time, though.
For my son and I, it was a time for tearful good-byes and promises to keep in touch.
Then it was time for the day's big event, Celebration. Parents,siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends filled the high school, to tour the student art displays, look at academic displays, talk to teachers, listen to the children sing, and watch both eighth graders and younger elementary students graduate.
Those Trilogy kids sure do clean up nice.
I will be handing over this blog to Rychane Marsac for next year. Much of the filming of last night's festivities was done by her, since I was needed on stage.
After graduation, ice cream was served and everyone was invited to look at the elementary academic and art boards. These boards, designed by the students, were a platform for each child to display the work they were most proud of.
A special thank you goes out to Talia Johnson for providing us with a photo booth where family and friends could get pictures taken after the graduation.
Photos will be available for viewing and purchase later today at
It was a very long day, so I will end this post the way I ended the first post of the school year:
Yesterday was the last day for both Science and Art class for the elementary students.
They learned about the nature of light in science.
As usual, Ms. Pat had some fun, hands-on activities to help the children understand and remember the concepts she discussed. This activity demonstrated wave.
A wave generator:
For the final art class of the year, the children looked at photographs of the human eye and looked at their own eyes in a mirror. Then they were asked to draw an artistic interpretation of what an eye looks like.
They also wrote the dialog for a comic page and colored it.
Please remember, next Tuesday is a half day in the morning. The children will be released at noon, but we'd like them back by 6 p.m. to rehearse their songs before the celebration begins at 6:30 p.m.
The elementary students have been working very hard to prepare for the end of the year celebration. They have made displays of the work they are most proud of and will be preforming three songs. We also have two students who will be graduating from younger elementary to older elementary.
Eighth grade graduation is also part of the program.
You will be able to take home all of your child's/children's work right after the celebration, with the exception of the math books, which you are welcome to look through, but we will need for next year.